Social Network Website Reviews

{ Posted on 19:55 by Tom 'E' }

Review of 3 'User Provided Information' Social-Networking Type Websites

For this review I have decided to review three websites which I currently or have previously used. This way I believe I can provide a better report of user experience having used all of these website for some sort of long-term period, as opposed to just over viewing them briefly for the purpose of this Blog post. The only downside to this is that all the website's I will review are 'forum' based. However I do believe with the exception of the big Social Networking websites i.e. Facebook, MySpace, there are very few specific alternatives without forum-esque layouts.

This website is direct quite specifically at armature, semi-pro and professional photographers, who specifically use DSLR cameras. I started using this site upon purchase of my first DSLR. The website has a friendly approach. Being photography based the general appearance is made up of quite a few very strong and professional looking photographs.

The user account system is fairly comprehensive. They receive their own profile, a mail box and an online photo-gallery section where they can upload their own work. The amount of information available to budding photographers really is endless and very comprehensive. I really like this website!

This is another website I have used a lot in the last year. As a current fiat driver I found this site very useful for querying little things that would usually take a garage hours to respond to, as well as advice on insurance and servicing etc.

As a user experience this works well as there is a massive following, providing a wealth of information on one topic. The only two downsides I can really find for this websites are that it’s aesthetic design is not particularly good. Like many forum based website there is a big feeling of ‘importance’ amongst the longer-subscribed members, which can be a bit daunting when trying to find information and asking questions.

Unfortunately, this website has recently been taken down and this URL now forwards to a similar, although not as impressive website.

The reason I wanted to review this, despite it no longer being ‘live’ is that I really admired the technical and aesthetic design to the website. It was again, forum based. But it made the whole experience feel much more like a general facebook or myspace website by using small widgets to keep the user feeling informed and involved, without having to endlessly respond to posts on the forum. I liked this site a lot and hope it comes back online one day.

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